中国石化新闻网讯 据OEDigital网站2022年12月23日报道,在地缘政治冲突爆发以后,意大利试图完全取代管道天然气供应,意大利计划将其液化天然气(LNG)年进口能力从目前的近170亿立方米提高到270亿立方米。
意大利现在可以依靠3个液化天然气终端,意大利政府已经授权意大利供气网运营商SnamSRG MI在临近皮翁比诺市和拉文那市购买并建设两个额外的浮式储存和再气化装置(FSRU)。
李峻 编译自 OEDigital网站
Italy's LNG import Capacity and New Terminals
Italy plans to boost its liquefied natural gas (LNG) import capacity to 27 billion cubic metres (bcm) from nearly 17 bcm currently as it seeks to completely replace Russian gas supplies following the war.
In 2021, Moscow provided Rome with 29 bcm of gas via pipelines, equal to around 40% of Italy's total imports but supplies have fallen in recent months to around 10% of total imports.
Italy, which can now count>A timely start for the Piombino FSRU is crucial to allow Italy to fill gas storage facilities in time for winter 2023, Rome said.
An Italian administrative court said>It could still decide to stop the project at a hearing it has scheduled on March 8 to assess longer-term safety issues relating to the floating terminal.